Statement from Chris Greer, our President & CEO
Dear Vapor Voice Supporter,
I write to confirm from the organization that we made the extraordinarily difficult decision to end
Vapor Voice’s journey with the December digital issues. As stewards of the magazine, we carry
an obligation to our members, sponsors and advertisers to ensure the continuation of valuable,
relevant, and financially sustainable programing across our operations that delivers our core
promise to our supporters and members: to inform stakeholders and convene open and
welcoming forums.
As the burdens of operating a professional and high-quality trade journalism program have
exponentially grown our industry and stakeholder community have faced expense and revenue
pressures that impacts our income. Simply put inflows and outflows are unsustainable and
there are no quick prospects for redress.
The news and insights you got from Vapor Voice can still be found across our platforms: our
news program lives on via the reimagined and more in-depth coverage
can be found at our conferences and forums (ATNF & GTNF) or by joining TMA and gaining
access to your information site Further information is obtainable from our relationship
manager, Michelle Parisi, at
Winding down and revamping trade journalism operations has consequences for our dedicated
staff who worked to bring Vapor Voice to life each day. And it is unfortunate that we must
announce that with the magazine closure, we must say goodbye to many of our colleagues.
We’d like to thank Team VV from editor Tim Donohue, VP of content Taco Tuinstra, sales wizard
Will Rasmussen to our intrepid copy editor Kaylin Warpole and our amazing graphic artist Dan
Kurtz. You may have already heard from some of them, and I’ll add my wholehearted
recommendation of each of them to you.
A magazine like Vapor Voice is also a forum for an entire industry and stakeholder community. I
know I’m not alone in expressing our sincere gratitude to our supporters, advertisers and our
readers who made Vapor Voice possible for all these years.
With my Kindest Regards,
Christopher B. Greer | President & CEO of TMA and The GTNF Trust