The Health Ministry of Malaysia has remained firm in its view that e-cigarettes containing nicotine should be banned.
The Health Ministry will not support any activity that could contribute to increased health problems, according to health deputy director-general Datuk Dr. Lokman Hakim Sulaiman. He said the decision was reached based on a study conducted by the technical committee to review the effects of e-cigarettes and shisha on health.
The Health Ministry has defined electronic cigarettes containing nicotine as e-cigarettes and electronic cigarettes without nicotine as vape.
“But most people cannot differentiate between e-cigarettes and vape,” Dr. Lokman Hakim told a press conference in Putrajaya on Nov. 4. “For them, vape and e-cigarettes are the same thing. In addition, there is also nicotine-contained liquid vape.”
“The sale and use of e-cigarettes containing nicotine liquid are subject to the Poisons Act 1952 and Food Act 1983 under the Control of Tobacco Products Regulations 2004,” he said, adding that only licensed pharmacists in licensed premises could sell products containing nicotine.
Dr. Lokman Hakim stated that the ministry would take action against sellers and users of e-cigarettes that contained nicotine under the Poisons Act 1952. He also said the ministry also would intensify the anti- e-cigarette and vape campaign.
“The ministry’s message to the community is do not use e-cigarettes or vaping as it is harmful to your health in the long term,” he said.