• July 27, 2024

Vapor fatwa impact limited

The Negri Sembilan government has decided to ban vaping only in non-smoking areas and has refused to prohibit the sale of vaporizers and e-cigarettes in the Malaysian state.

Mentri Besar Datuk Seri Mo­ha­mad Hasan said his administration concurred with the state Fatwa Council that vaping was haram (strictly prohibited) for Muslims as it was hazardous to health. “We are of the opinion that va­ping is just like smoking. As such, we will not allow vaping in areas where smokers are forbidden to light up,” he said.

Mohamad added that although the fatwa prohibited Muslims from vaping, those who did so would only be slapped with fines after the fatwa had been gazetted. He said non-Muslims would not be affected by the state Fatwa Committee’s ruling. “Also, we have no reason to shut down outlets which sell vapes or e-cigarettes until the federal authorities issue a directive that these are illegal,” he said.