VTA response to SG vapor report

The Vapor Technology Association’s (VTA) national legislative director, Tony Abboud, says there  is no credible evidence that vapor products are a  ‘gateway’ to combustible cigarettes, however, there is scientific evidence that they provide adult smokers with a safer alternative. The VTA represents  the  manufacturers,  wholesalers,  small   business  owners  and  entrepreneurs.


“Like the Surgeon General, VTA and its members are committed to the health and safety of  children. The VTA supports bipartisan legislation that will ensure the safety of vapor products, and will  ensure vapor products do not fall into the hands of minors.


“What the Surgeon General does not acknowledge with this announcement are the  millions of adult Americans who rely on vapor products to switch away from smoking deadly cigarettes. However, as long as government agencies perpetuate false information, the United States  will continue to fall behind other countries such as England, which have acknowledged the significant public health benefits of vapor  products.

“VTA and our partners are committed to working together with the federal government  and state legislatures across the country to dispel this false information and promote the har

Tony Abboud is national legislative director of the Vapor Technology Association. To learn more about the Vapor Technology Association, visit www.vaportechnology.org.
Tony Abboud, national legislative director of the VTA.

m  reduction benefits of vapor products so that they remain available as a lifeline to adult consumers.”