E-cig education sought

Vaping groups in the Philippines have urged the Department of Health (DOH) to educate smokers about alternative products, such as electronic cigarettes, to help them quit smoking, according to a story in The Philippine Daily Inquirer.

The appeal was made by The Vapers Philippines (TVP) and the Philippine E-cigarette Industry Association after Public Health England published new evidence on vaping.

“We call on the DOH and local health care professionals to look at the latest evidence on vaping from England, a country which is experiencing tremendous success in reducing adult smoking rates,” Peter Paul Dator, the president of TVP, was quoted as saying.

Dator lauded public health officials in the country for doing a good job in raising public awareness about the health risks associated with smoking.

“Unfortunately, their efforts stop there,” he said. “The public should also be educated about alternative products that can help smokers quit.”