Anyone who is younger than 21 will be prohibited from buying tobacco products in Minnesota beginning Saturday, Aug. 1.
A new statute is set to take effect that day, squaring state law with a federal measure that outlaws purchases of tobacco and e-cigarette products to those younger than 21, according to an article in the Duluth News Tribune. Under the law, those under 21 would also be prohibited from entering tobacco or vape shops.
Businesses that sell tobacco products to those younger than 21 would face a $300 penalty after the first offense with higher fees on subsequent offenses. And anyone under 21 found buying tobacco products would face license suspensions and adults who furnish the products to them would face a $50 fine, the story states.
The federal government has hiked the minimum age of sale of tobacco products from 18 to 21, and local governments around the state have enacted similar ordinances in their communities. But state lawmakers and advocates aiming to prevent tobacco addiction in young people said the measures weren’t being enforced evenly across the state.