• October 18, 2024

Court: Triton Can Sell Flavored E-Cigs Pending MDO Review

 Court: Triton Can Sell Flavored E-Cigs Pending MDO Review
Photo: kwanchaift

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that Triton Distribution can continue selling its flavored e-cigarettes despite a decision to the contrary by the Food and Drug Administration, reports Reuters.  

In a unanimous opinion on Oct. 26, the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said that when the FDA last month denied the Texas company’s application to sell its products, the agency did not adequately consider Triton’s marketing plan to reduce the products’ appeal to youth.

The court found the FDA pulled a “surprise switcheroo” from earlier guidance stating that manufacturers would not need long-term studies to support e-cigarette applications.

The FDA initially said in guidance accompanying the deeming rule that it did not expect companies would need long-term studies to support their application. However, in an August announcement that it would deny a first batch of applications, the agency said that manufacturers would likely need studies that followed a cohort of people over time to show that their products’ use in helping adult smokers quit cigarettes outweighed the risk to youth.

Triton challenged the agency’s decision, saying it had relied on the earlier guidance in its application.

Multiple companies have challenged their MDOs in recent weeks. In early October, the FDA rescinded MDOs it has issued to Turning Point Brands and Fumizer, placing their products back under review.

More recently, the FDA issued an administrative stay of its MDO for nontobacco flavored bidi sticks, pending the agency’s review of Bidi Vapor’s request that the MDO be rescinded based on product-specific scientific evidence in its PMTAs.

According to Filter, Bidi and Gripum too recently received some temporary form of stay, and My Vape Order has demanded a recission due to the fact its PMTA includes some of the same data and studies that also appears in TPB’s applications.