• September 19, 2024

Vuse Market Share Over 40%, Juul Drops Below 28%

 Vuse Market Share Over 40%, Juul Drops Below 28%
Credit: RJR Vapor Co.

The Vuse e-cigarette continues to widen its market share lead over Juul in both monthly and yearly comparisons.

The latest Nielsen analysis of convenience-store data, released Tuesday, covers the four-week period ending Nov. 5.

Owned by R.J. Reynolds Vapor Co., Vuse’s market share rose from 40 percent in the previous report to 40.4 percent, compared with Juul declining from 28 percent to 27.6 percent, according to the Winston-Salem Journal.

Vuse expanded its year-over year advantage to 34.4 percent to 31.5 percent compared with 33.6 percent to 32 percent in the previous report.

As recently as May 2019, Juul held a 74.6 percent U.S. e-cig market share.

According to Barclays, Nielsen largely covers the big chains. For the smaller chains, such as vape shops, the group extrapolates trends, which is why trend changes don’t appear immediately in Nielsen.

No. 3 NJoy was unchanged at 2.8 percent and Fontem Ventures’ blu eCigs was unchanged at 1.4 percent.

Juul’s four-week dollar sales in the latest report have dropped from a 50.2 percent increase in the Aug. 10, 2019, report to a 20.1 percent decline in the latest report.

By comparison, Reynolds’ Vuse was up 35 percent in the latest report, while NJoy was up 7.6 percent and blu eCigs down 35.4 percent.

On Nov. 11, Juul confirmed it is eliminating up to 400 jobs and obtaining financing from its earliest investors.

Multiple media outlets, first by the Wall Street Journal and cable business channel CNBC, reported the downsizing initiative also includes slashing its operating budget by between 30 percent and 40 percent.