Once legal in the city, Hong Kong began enforcing its ban on CBD, labeling it as a “dangerous drug” and imposing harsh penalties for its possession on Wednesday. The move is forcing fledging businesses to shut down or revamp.
THC, the psychoactive ingredient of marijuana has long been illegal in Hong Kong.
CBD was once legal in the city, and cafes and shops selling CBD-infused products were popular among young people, according to AP.
But all that has changed with the prohibition, which took effect Wednesday but had been announced by the government last year. CBD-related businesses have closed down while others have struggled to remodel their businesses. Consumers dumped what they saw as a cure for their ailments into special collection boxes set up around the city.
The new rule reflects a zero-tolerance policy toward dangerous drugs in Hong Kong, a semi-autonomous southern Chinese business hub, as well as in mainland China, where CBD was banned in 2022.
In contrast. the U.S. Food and Drug Administration recently concluded that a new regulatory pathway for cannabidiol (CBD) is needed. The regulatory agency states it will seek guidance from the U.S. Congress. The new rules would need to balance individuals’ desire for access to CBD products with the regulatory oversight needed to manage risks.