• October 22, 2024

Netherlands Votes on Motion to Introduce Vape Tax

 Netherlands Votes on Motion to Introduce Vape Tax

Credit: Sharaf Maksumov

Photo: dbvirago

Dutch lawmakers on Oct. 26 voted for a motion to introduce a tax on vapor products, reports Dutch News. The move follows earlier reports that the Netherlands would not impose such a levy prior to the elections scheduled for November.

The government had been planning to wait until the introduction of Europe-wide legislation but given that is unlikely to happen before 2026, ministers agreed to take unilateral measures, if that is what MPs wanted.

One in five Dutch youngsters under the age of 25 uses e-cigarettes, and 70 percent of vapers also smoke tobacco cigarettes, according to the Trimbos addiction institute.

The 18 age limit for using vapes is also widely flouted and internet sales have flourished, De Telegraaf reported earlier this month.

 Vaping is cheaper than smoking in the Netherlands, where a pack of cigarettes now retails for around €11 ($11.64). An e-cigarette with the equivalent of two packets of cigarettes in terms of nicotine costs around €6.