Foundation for a Smoke-Free World Severs Nicotine Ties

Credit: Akeeris

The Foundation for a Smoke-Free World, which was originally funded by Philip Morris International (PMI), announced that it would no longer accept any monetary support from the nicotine industry to gain the trust of tobacco control groups.

PMI had pledged to give tens of millions of dollars each year to keep the foundation afloat between 2022 and 2029. In September, they provided a final grant of $122.5 million, equivalent to around three and a half years of their original commitment.

The foundation will now rebrand and find new funders from outside of the industry, Cliff Douglas said in an interview with Reuters.

Douglas, a long-time tobacco control advocate who joined the foundation in October, said he wants to see it re-established as a credible actor in ending smoking.

“Any skepticism around our independence can be laid to rest,” he said.

Douglas pointed to several tobacco control advocates who have sounded positive about the foundation’s new direction. However, other groups remained skeptical about whether it can reset its image.