Vaping Surges Nearly 600 Percent in Malaysia

Photo: fedorovacz

Vaping prevalence in Malaysia has surged 600 percent in 12 years, reports the New Straits Times, citing a recent study.

The 2023 Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) found that some 5.8 percent of Malaysian adults are e-cigarette users compared with only 0.8 percent in 2011.

GATS is a nationally representative household survey conducted in more than 30 countries globally.

The report also revealed an increase in the percentage of people who used both tobacco and e-cigarettes, from 0.8 percent in 2011 to 3.9 percent last year.

The 15–24 age group had the highest prevalence (8.6 percent) compared with 7.1 percent for those between 25 and 44.

The top 3 reasons cited for using e-cigarettes were flavors, the perception of lower risk compared to smoking, and more enjoyment.

The GATS also found that 41 percent of adult smokers in Malaysia have no plans to quit the habit.

Another 13 percent said they were thinking about quitting smoking within the next 12 months, and another 37 percent said they planned to stop someday.

The survey found that around 4.8 million or 19 percent of adults in Malaysia smoke, with 3.7 million or 14.6 percent of adults smoking daily.

GATS Malaysia 2023 queried 5,780 households across all states, with respondents aged 15 years and above, over two months.