Ireland Nearing Total Ban on Disposable Vapes

Credit: Schankz

The Irish government is set to ban disposable vapes.

This week, Cabinet approved draft laws tabled by Health Minister Stephen Donnelly. Under the proposed laws, the sale, manufacture, and import of single-use or disposable vapes in Ireland will be completely banned.

The legislation will also introduce a ban on a multitude of flavors that the government believes often appeal to children – it is estimated that as many as 15,000 flavor combinations exist.

The laws will also introduce a ban on point-of-sale display or advertising in shops, other than specialist shops that only sell the products, reports the BBC.

Donnelly also wants to restrict the colors and imagery on packages and devices to prevent them from being aimed at youth.

Ireland has already banned the sale of all nicotine inhaling products to under 18s and a range of other curbs such as advertising, pop-up shop sales and a ban of sale from vending machines will commence next year.

The minister has said the plans to introduce a ban are on environmental and public health grounds.