Bungling at best

Queensland Health has been misinforming people that avenues allowing them to vape legally with nicotine in Australia are not open to them in Queensland, according to a report by the Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association (ATHRA).

The report helpfully explains some of the laws governing vaping in Australia, which can seem opaque.

‘Although there are ways to legally vape with nicotine in Australia, Queensland Health has been telling smokers that they do not apply in Queensland,’ the ATHRA said. ‘This behaviour is bungling at best, or dishonest at worst.

‘Whatever their beliefs, governments have a responsibility to ensure accurate information is provided to consumers. Queensland Health’s opposition to vaping is no justification for deceiving the public to further its agenda.

‘Some Australian pharmacies can prepare nicotine liquid for vaping for a smoker who has a nicotine prescription and wants to quit. This is known as “compounding” and is legal in all states and territories under Commonwealth law (Therapeutic Goods Regulations 1990) …’

Queensland Health is said also to have misled the public for several years about importing nicotine from overseas.

‘Under the Therapeutic Goods Administration Personal Importation Scheme, smokers in all states can import nicotine legally to help them quit smoking if they have a doctor’s prescription,’ the ATHRA said.