The study found that most smokers want to quit cigarettes but admitted that they find it difficult.Read More
Senate Bill 1284 changes the age to purchase from 18 to 21, bringing Idaho law into symmetry with federal law.Read More
E-LiquiTech parent, TTI, has appointed David Johnson as president and chief scientific officer of the company.Read More
The number of crimes committed against specialty retail outlets has grown dramatically.Read More
The study looked at mice between the human equivalent of ages 12 to 30 to determine the impacts of vaping.Read More
The bill has earned praise from the Lung Health Association and the Canadian Cancer Society.Read More
Th bill would bring the state of Wisconsin into compliance with federal age to purchase laws.Read More
The enforcement notice relates to the manner in which e-cigarette pricing appears on websites.Read More
The letter was issued on Feb. 14 to China-based Sigelei Vapor for two of the company's coil brands.Read More
The bill would allow local governments to adopt tougher rules or restrictions than the state allows.Read More