Category: News This Week

  • WHO: Vape Surpasses Smoking Among European Youth

    WHO: Vape Surpasses Smoking Among European Youth

    Photo: Maksym Yemelyanov

    Vaping has surpassed smoking among adolescents in Europe, according to a new report by the World Health Organization.

    The global health body found that among 15-year-olds, 32 percent had used an e-cigarette and 20 percent consumed vaping products in the past 30 days.

    “The widespread use of harmful substances among children in many countries across the European region—and beyond—is a serious public health threat,” said Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO regional director for Europe. “Considering that the brain continues to develop well into a person’s mid-20s, adolescents need to be protected from the effects of toxic and dangerous products. Unfortunately, children today are constantly exposed to targeted online marketing of harmful products.”

    Historically, there has been a difference between boys and girls, with more boys smoking than girls. With e-cigarettes, girls reach the same level of use by 15 as boys and even outpace them after 15.

    While acknowledging that some health authorities view e-cigarettes as a positive alternative to smoking for adults, the WHO expressed concern about aggressive targeting by manufacturers of a younger market, which has contributed to a particularly sharp rise in consumption between the ages of 13 and 15, according to the organization.

    The WHO report calls for e-cigarettes to be incorporated into smoke-free policies, with similar measures to restrict marketing, reduce toxicity, remove flavors and increase taxation.

    The health body has already called for e-cigarettes to be made available only to those who are trying to quit smoking, where other proven cessation strategies have been exhausted. It has also called for e-cigarettes to be regulated like medicines rather than being sold as consumer products.

  • Regulators Urged to Distinguish Combustibles and Smoke-Free

    Regulators Urged to Distinguish Combustibles and Smoke-Free

    Photo: Finn Bjurvoll Hansen

    A study released on May 7 adds further evidence that the harm from nicotine use is determined primarily by the consumption method.

    Titled No Smoke, Less Harm, the report details rates of nicotine usage in Sweden and a number of comparable countries, finding that nicotine use was not a factor in tobacco-related disease.

    Karl Fagerstrom

    While nicotine consumption in Sweden mirrors the European average, the country reports a 41 percent lower incidence of lung cancer and fewer than half the tobacco-related deaths of its European peers. This stark contrast is attributed to the widespread adoption of smoke-free nicotine products such as snus, nicotine pouches and electronic cigarettes.

    “This distinction between smoking and the use of smokeless products is crucial,” says Karl Fagerstrom, a public health expert and contributor to the report.

    “While nicotine is addictive, it does not cause the serious diseases associated with smoking. Our findings support a shift in focus from cessation to substitution with less harmful alternatives for those unable to stop completely.”

    According to the authors, Sweden’s proactive measures in public health education and regulatory frameworks have encouraged a transition to these alternatives, significantly impacting public health outcomes. The report points out that embracing similar harm reduction strategies could be pivotal for other nations striving to reduce the health impacts of tobacco.

    “The Swedish experience demonstrates that understanding and addressing public misperceptions about nicotine can lead to health policies that better protect and inform consumers,” said Fagerstrom.

  • Study Finds Smokers Confused About Relative Risk

    Study Finds Smokers Confused About Relative Risk

    Photo: auremar

    Many smokers fail to understand the comparative risks presented by vapes and traditional cigarettes, according to a new Ipsos survey among 27,000 smokers in 28 countries carried out on behalf of We Are Innovation.

    Currently, 74 percent of smokers worldwide mistakenly believe that vaping is either as harmful or more harmful than smoking combustible cigarettes. This misinformation challenges public health messaging about vaping as a safer alternative to traditional smoking methods.

    The survey identified countries including Brazil, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Kazakhstan as having the highest proportion of smokers (over 80 percent) incorrectly perceiving vaping as equally or more harmful than smoking tobacco. On the other hand, countries such as Italy, the Czech Republic, France and the United Kingdom exhibited a more accurate understanding, although even in these nations, over half of smokers still hold false beliefs regarding the risks of vaping versus smoking.

    “The consequences are grave,” said We Are Innovation CEO Federico N. Fernandez in a statement. “If smokers are under the incorrect assumption that vaping is no better than smoking, they are far less likely to explore potentially lifesaving products as a means to quit harmful combustibles. Misinformation is stifling innovation and obstructing smokers’ ability to escape the clutches of cigarettes.”

  • Flonq Releases Ultra and Max Pro Vaping Systems

    Flonq Releases Ultra and Max Pro Vaping Systems

    Flonq, a leading vaping system manufacturer, has released its latest innovations, the Flonq Ultra and Flonq Max Pro. The two devices, with their advanced features and stylish design, “promise to upgrade the vaping experience,” according to a press release.

    Ultra and Max Pro feature an LED display for real-time monitoring of battery and liquid consumption. The devices also have a “boost” mode for enhanced performance that delivers “impressive vapor production and flavor intensity.”

    Despite the large 18ml e-liquid capacity, which provides up to 20,000 puffs, both devices maintain a compact and ergonomic design. 

    “Unlike many vaping brands that simply enlarge their devices when increasing e-liquid tank capacity, we prioritize convenience and comfort for users,” states Marlen Nazarov, Flonq’s founder and CEO. “Our goal is to provide vapers with a combination of performance and style, offering a truly premium vaping experience.”

    Flonq offers refined flavors and memorable designs across its product range, according to the release. “We craft our devices, featuring minimalistic and sophisticated design”, explains Vladimir Parygin, the company’s head of Design. “At the same time, we ensure that each device possesses its own personality.”

    While both devices feature powerful dual mesh coils, each utilizes a different coil type. In Max Pro, the coils are positioned one above the other, while in Ultra, both mesh coils form a single cylinder, created by right and left sections. This coil difference impacts the flavor experience. Max Pro offers intense and bold flavors, while Ultra delivers refined and firm flavors.

    “Another significant aspect that sets us apart from our competitors is the time and effort we dedicate to creating unique designs. We don’t rely on established configurations in the vaping market, and provide compelling storytelling and inspiration behind each device,” stated Nazarov.

    The Flonq Max Pro is inspired by the urban environment: big city life, cars, and modern architecture. The device has a glossy texture across its entire body and is offered in a variety of vibrant colors. Max Pro appeals to those who appreciate unconventional aesthetics, according to the release.

    For Flonq Ultra, the design team drew inspiration from a maritime theme, luxury boats and yachts. “The device embodies elegance and is crafted from soft-touch matte material,” the release states.

    “While often overlooked, we consider every detail in our vapes: from the texture of the materials and portability to the shape of the mouthpieces, ensuring both visual appeal and functionality, of course,” stated Parygin. 

  • Filtrona Launches Heated Tobacco Product Filters

    Filtrona Launches Heated Tobacco Product Filters

    Photo: Filtrona

    Filtrona has launched a series of new filters for heated-tobacco products (HTP), the Boreas range.

    The new range includes Boreas SideFlow, a patent-pending filter with a simplified design, and Boreas CoolBridge, which combines the company’s ECO Paper Bridge cooling segment with mono acetate and its Finewall Tube to create a balanced retention and cooling mechanism.

    “As more of our customers move into the rapidly growing HTP market, the launch of our Boreas range of HTP filters is timely and exciting for consumers and the wider industry alike,” said Filtrona Global Director of Innovation and ESG Hugo Azinheira in a statement. “We are thrilled to support our customers with a dedicated range of HTP filters that bear the hallmark of our innovative and unique designs.”

    Azinheira said HTP customers would benefit from Filtrona’s considerable expertise. “Our industry knowledge helps companies to catch emerging trends, adapt to changes and build strong brands,” he said.

    “For any of our customers that are looking to enter the HTP segment, collaborating with our team of experts can significantly speed up the product development and commercialization processes, giving them a crucial edge in the market.”

  • Critics Claim Registry Bills Harmfully Limit Options

    Critics Claim Registry Bills Harmfully Limit Options

    Photo: Andrey Popov

    Premarket tobacco product application (PMTA) registry bills in the United States are harmfully limiting options for people seeking to quit cigarettes, according to critics.

    The bills, which restrict sales to products that have either been authorized by the Food and Drug Administration under the PMTA pathway or are undergoing that process, have been spreading rapidly around the nation, according to Filter.

    Alabama, Louisiana and Oklahoma already have PMTA registry bills in force while laws in Kentucky, Utah and Wisconsin are set to take effect in 2025.

    To date, the FDA has authorized only a handful of e-cigarettes, all of which are owned by tobacco companies. The remaining vapes on the market are sold unauthorized and often imported from China. Limited FDA enforcement has prompted many states to step in with registry bills.

    Tobacco harm reduction advocates have long condemned the PMTA process as excessively onerous. They point out that it’s easier to bring new cigarettes to market than it is to gain authorization for safer vapes that can replace them.

    Tobacco companies are supporting PMTA registry bills in what critics say is a bid to dominate the market at the expense of people who smoke.

    “Most legislators do not understand that PMTA registries aim to ban the sale of the vast majority of vaping products used by adults in their state,” said Greg Conley, director of legislative and external affairs for the American Vapor Manufacturers trade organization. “They think they are fighting Chinese scofflaws, but really they are making life worse for their own voters.”

  • FDA Updates Authorized Products Database

    FDA Updates Authorized Products Database

    Photo: Andrey Kuzmin

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has uploaded the first update to its recently created Searchable Tobacco Products Database, which provides an overview of tobacco products and vapor products that may be legally marketed in the United States.

    Due to timing factors associated with the initial launch, the products included in this update cover a longer time period (January through mid-April 2024) than will typically be included in the future. The agency intends to update the database every month.

    The current database updates include the addition of several tobacco products that were issued a substantial equivalence or exempt order, a number of tobacco products that were determined to be preexisting tobacco products through voluntary submissions, and links to redacted and 508-compliant order letters, decision summaries and other documents for various authorized products that were already in the database.

    The database is available here.

  • Cook Islands Lawmakers to Table Bill Banning Vapes

    Cook Islands Lawmakers to Table Bill Banning Vapes

    Credit: Oleksii

    Lawmakers in the Cook Islands have proposed a ban on all next-generation tobacco products, including e-cigarettes.

    The proposal is included in the Tobacco Products Control Amendment Bill 2024, which will be tabled in Parliament this month.

    Cook Islands residents, permanent residents and work permit holders are not allowed to bring in any vaping or heated tobacco products for personal use, sale or distribution if they leave and return to the Cook Islands, according to the Bill.

    Tourists over the age of 21 are allowed to bring only one “imitation tobacco device” and up to 30 milliliters of e-liquid, according to media reports.

    The Bill says any breach of the regulations by individuals will result in a fine of $100,000 or up to three months in prison.

    Businesses caught importing imitation tobacco products face a $1 million fine. Additionally, non-compliant businesses will incur a daily penalty of $100,000 for each day the violation continues.

  • Oregon Court of Appeals Approves Local Flavor Ban

    Oregon Court of Appeals Approves Local Flavor Ban

    The Oregon Court of Appeals upheld a Washington County ban on flavored tobacco sales.

    Washington County commissioners approved Ordinance 878 in 2022, but it was not enforced because a circuit court judge overturned it.

    In his opinion, Circuit Judge Andrew Erwin wrote that prohibiting the sale of flavored tobacco must come from the state, not the county.

    The county appealed the judge’s decision, and the court found that the county is not preempted by state law. According to Washington County’s website, businesses will be inspected each year to ensure compliance with the ordinance.

    Tony Aiello, Jr., the attorney for the plaintiffs-respondents, released a statement, saying, in part, “My Clients are disappointed with the decision by the Court of Appeals today and intend to seek review by the Oregon Supreme Court.

    “We read the Court of Appeals’ decision to conflict with itself in several places and are optimistic that the Oregon Supreme Court will reach a different conclusion if our case is granted review.”

  • Development of Vaping Rules a Priority in Samoa

    Development of Vaping Rules a Priority in Samoa

    Credit: SC Stock

    Development of regulations to support the enforcement of e-cigarettes in Samoa, including their sale and usage, is in the pipeline.

    Parliament’s discussion on the topic last year and young people seen smoking e-cigarettes has prompted calls for the Ministry of Health (MOH) to take action.

    Vaping products were not readily available when the MOH developed Somoa’s Tobacco Control policy and legislation, but its availability in neighboring countries and the product being sold locally without control meant the Government had to reconsider whether tobacco rules applied to vaping, according to media reports.

    In those efforts, the Samoa Australia Tautua program funded by Australia has put out a vacancy for Technical Assistance assigned to develop a comprehensive set of regulations for e-cigarettes in Samoa as a means to support its enforcement and prevention of the harmful effects of its use.

    The term of reference for the Technical Assistance is to draft regulations to “prohibit the importation, distribution, sale, and usage” of e-cigarettes in Samoa.