When the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP) issued marketing denial orders (MDOs) for Suorin and Blu PLUS+ e-cigarette products, Tony Abboud, executive director of the Vapor Technology Association (VTA), said the decision was just the latest installment of the FDA and CTP’s efforts to implement its de-facto ban on e-cigarettes in the U.S.
“The constant refrain from CTP is that e-cigarette manufacturers are not providing ‘sufficient scientific evidence’ in their PMTAs, yet CTP refused to answer the Reagan-Udall Foundation’s most fundamental criticism of CTP’s entire regulatory process: that CTP has not clearly articulated what is required to prove what is appropriate for the protection of the public health (APPH) or how it is interpreting what is APPH,” Abboud stated in a release.
He stated that the FDA has failed to objectively define the APPH standard while simultaneously using it to deny marketing authorization to critical smoking cessation and harm-reduction products, which is a “gross overreach” for any governmental institution whose mandate is to follow the science.
“Courts have found that the process has become ‘arbitrary and capricious’ in practice, with CTP leadership choosing on a case-by-case basis how the standard ought to be defined,” he stated. “Meanwhile, companies are simply trying to do the right thing by complying with and adhering to the PMTA process set forth by the FDA.”
Abboud stated that the actions of the FDA and CTP do nothing to protect public health or help Americans who smoke. “VTA once again calls on CTP to reverse course on its misguided actions and restore scientific integrity to its regulatory and decision-making process. Enough is enough,” he wrote.