Tag: Samoa

  • Development of Vaping Rules a Priority in Samoa

    Development of Vaping Rules a Priority in Samoa

    Credit: SC Stock

    Development of regulations to support the enforcement of e-cigarettes in Samoa, including their sale and usage, is in the pipeline.

    Parliament’s discussion on the topic last year and young people seen smoking e-cigarettes has prompted calls for the Ministry of Health (MOH) to take action.

    Vaping products were not readily available when the MOH developed Somoa’s Tobacco Control policy and legislation, but its availability in neighboring countries and the product being sold locally without control meant the Government had to reconsider whether tobacco rules applied to vaping, according to media reports.

    In those efforts, the Samoa Australia Tautua program funded by Australia has put out a vacancy for Technical Assistance assigned to develop a comprehensive set of regulations for e-cigarettes in Samoa as a means to support its enforcement and prevention of the harmful effects of its use.

    The term of reference for the Technical Assistance is to draft regulations to “prohibit the importation, distribution, sale, and usage” of e-cigarettes in Samoa.