Tag: vapekit

  • Online E-liquid Retailer Vapester Rebrands Itself as VapeKit

    Online E-liquid Retailer Vapester Rebrands Itself as VapeKit

    Yurenia85 | Dreamstime.com

    Online UK e-liquid store Vapester.co.uk has rebranded itself. The company’s online e-liquid store, which serves customers across the United Kingdom, has moved to a new domain name to coincide with the change.

    As a result, Vapester.co.uk customers can now visit the company’s online store at VapeKit.co.uk to shop online for vaping supplies, according to a press release.

    “While the company’s name and online address have both changed, the company continues to provide the same great service to customers across the UK, providing convenient access to e-liquids, vape kits, nicotine shots, and everything else a vaper needs to keep on vaping,” the release states. “Existing customers can continue to use their existing accounts, as login details for customer accounts remain the same.”